Steam ton is an engineering term referring to the boiler heating level, generally expressed in T/h, which represents the amount of steam produced per hour by this boiler.
In international units, megawatts (MW) is often used as the unit of thermal measurement, and the formula corresponding to steamed tons is: 1t/h=0.7MW=2.5GJ/h=6*10^6Kcal.
Usually we say that a 1 ton boiler does not mean that the weight of the boiler is one ton, but the amount of steam generated per hour by this boiler.
t/h: steamed tons / hour.
MW: MW, is a unit of power, which refers to the amount of electricity that a generator can emit per unit of time under rated conditions.
GJ/h: KJ/hour is the amount of heat exchanged per unit of time.
Kcal: A kilocalorie, also called a big card, is the amount of heat that 1 gram of water needs to raise 1 °C at 1 atmosphere.