I believe that every user is full of doubts about the boiler when they first purchase the boiler. The choice of boiler model is undoubtedly one of the most important and difficult issues. If you choose a larger model, it will result in wast FANGKUAI Boiler makes a simple calculation formula. You can estimate the boiler capacity to be used according to your actual situation. Boiler capacity calculation formula: boiler model = actual height of the plant ÷ international height (2.8m) * building area When selecting the boiler model, the user's building area, the average height of each floor frame, the number of radiators, whether it is geothermal (if it is geothermal, the area can be doubled, and the area can be selected when it is large. two).
For example: there is a factory area of 10,000 square meters, the plant height is 5 meters, the boiler model is estimated: 5 ÷ 2.8 * 10000 = 17857 square meters, according to a ton boiler can meet 5500-6000 square meters to calculate, you need to choose 4 Steamed tons of boilers. And according to the temperature of different regions of the country, the area provided by each type of boiler will also change relatively. The colder north area, the heating area of 1 ton boiler will be reduced.