When the business staff of Zhengzhou Fangkuai Boiler Factory show users our successful cases or lead users to visit the factory, many users who want to purchase steam boilers will ask: What does "steamed tons" mean? Does it represent the tonnage of the boiler? This involves the professional problem of steam boilers, and our technical expert Xie Gong will answer for everyone.
In the field of thermodynamics, the steam ton itself is a non-standard unit, which represents a unit of the capacity of the heating boiler. The steam ton/hour means that 1 ton of hydration can be evaporated per hour to provide heat for water vapor for heating or for machine operation.
One steamed ton of medium is equivalent to containing 0.725MW of heat. In East China and North China, the heating area of one steamed ton of medium is about 10,000 square meters.
The tonnage of a boiler has two meanings: one is to measure the rated output or work capacity of the boiler. The steam boiler has an hourly evaporation capacity t/h, and the hot water boiler has an hourly heating capacity, 0.7Mw=1t. Another meaning is to measure the total production capacity of the boiler plant. For example, the annual output of a certain boiler plant is XX tons. It is not measured by the number of boilers, but is the sum of the rated evaporation or heat supply of all boilers produced. The sum is expressed as the total amount.