Why is the thermal efficiency of condensing gas boilers as high as 108%?

Why is the thermal efficiency of condensing gas boilers as high as 108%?

Many users will be confused by a number when they understand the FANGKUAI Boiler. Why is the thermal efficiency of the boiler produced by the fast-growing boiler reaching 108%?

The input of the condensing gas boiler is a certain volume of gas multiplied by the calorific value of the gas (the influence of the temperature, pressure and humidity of the air should be taken into account when calculating the heat), and the difference of the condition factors determines the calorific value of the gas has a high calorific value and a low calorific value. Points.

High calorific value: 1 standard cubic meter of gas is completely cooled after the flue gas is cooled to the original temperature, and the water vapor in the flue gas is discharged in the state of condensed water.

Low calorific value: 1 standard cubic meter of gas is completely cooled after the flue gas is cooled to the original temperature, but the water vapor in the flue gas is still the heat released by the steam state.

Obviously, the high calorific value of the gas is numerically greater than its low calorific value, and the difference is the latent heat of vaporization of the water vapor. The actual low-heat value of gas is commonly used in the actual engineering of industrial and civil gas applications. If calculated according to the low calorific value, the condensing gas boiler can absorb the latent heat of vaporization, and its thermal efficiency may reach 108%.

Then, why is the calorific value of the gas calculated according to the low calorific value not calculated according to the high calorific value?

This is because, in fact, the calculation of the calorific value of the gas by the operating instrument is to detect the volume and temperature of the flue gas generated by the complete combustion of the gas, and it is difficult to completely collect and cool the flue gas to the original temperature according to the definition of high and low calorific value of the gas. of. It can only be high-temperature discharge, measure the flue gas flow, calculate its volume and measure the temperature of the flue gas, calculate the heat through the heat capacity ratio of the flue gas; while the water vapor in the high-temperature flue gas is not cooled, it is still in the steam state. . This is consistent with the definition of low calorific value of gas, which is still a requirement for steam. Therefore, the calorific value of the gas in the thermal efficiency of the gas boiler is calculated based on the low calorific value. Then the gas condensing boiler absorbs the latent heat of vaporization, and its thermal efficiency will reach 108%.

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