The details that all users should pay attention to when using the steam boiler

The details that all users should pay attention to when using the steam boiler

In our country, steam boilers are special equipment. Because the boiler has a certain pressure, you must pay more attention to safety issues during use. What are the details that need to be paid attention to during the use of steam boilers? This is a question that many users care about. The boiler technical engineer of Zhengzhou Fangkuai Boiler Factory will tell you the answer.

During the operation of the boiler, professional personnel are required for debugging. There are also many precautions during operation. If some parts are improperly operated, it is likely to cause irreparable losses to the boiler. Therefore, for enterprises, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of some precautions before or after use.

The safety valve on the steam boiler cannot be adjusted arbitrarily. When the pressure gauge reaches over 80% of the agreed working pressure, the safety valve should be vented once. It is forbidden to tie or embed the valve stem. After the steam boiler is pressurized, check whether the steam valve is active, and always pay attention to the water level to keep it at 2/3 of the water level gauge.

Steam boiler water must be softened, kept clean, and contain no grease. The outside of the glass tube of the water level gauge should be equipped with a reinforced protective cover, and the outside should be kept clean. Each shift should be washed once to observe whether the water level in the water level table can rise or fall rapidly. If you see stagnant water panels in the water level gauge during operation, you should find out the cause immediately to avoid false water levels. Before starting a fire in a steam boiler, check whether the water pipes, steam pipes, pressure gauges, safety valves, water level gauges, drain valves, etc. of all valves are in a perfect state. When the furnace is urgently shut down, the combustion should be stopped first, the air door should be closed, the furnace door and the vent valve should be opened, and it is forbidden to add water to the furnace immediately due to water shortage.

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