Maintenance method of electric boiler in winter

Maintenance method of electric boiler in winter

Electric boilers are popular among users for their environmental protection, cleanliness, pollution-free, noise-free, and fully automatic functions. Then, how should electric boilers be used for maintenance work to ensure normal heating in winter? FANGKUAI Boiler summarizes the following contents for everyone to learn and reference.

First, the benefits of regular maintenance of electric boilers
       1. It can improve the efficiency of heat exchange of electric boilers and reduce the consumption of electricity. Through experimental comparison, the electric boilers that have been cleaned and maintained under the same conditions have a heating rate of about 25% faster than that of electric boilers that have not been cleaned and maintained. That is to say, the electric boiler can be cleaned after the original foundation. Save about 25% of the power resources.
       2. Extend the service life of the electric boiler. Descaling by internal cleaning can effectively reduce the load on the main components such as pumps and heat exchangers, thus making the boiler run more smoothly and prolonging its service life. If the boiler is cleaned and maintained once every two years, the service life of the equipment can be extended for 3-5 years.

Second, electric boiler maintenance methods
          First of all, we must ensure that the use environment of electric boilers should be in a dry, non-moisture environment. If the humidity is too large, it will easily lead to the occurrence of electricity in the electric boiler, causing electrical disasters.
       1. Before the maintenance of the electric boiler, we must first cut off the power supply, which can ensure the safety of subsequent operations.
         2. The electric boiler is mainly composed of a main body, an electric control box, a control system and various power supply cables. The maintenance and maintenance of these components should be controlled once every two months. For electric boiler burners, it is necessary to remove some foreign matter such as dust every two months during use; Wipe the test once a month; in addition, the filter inside the oil pump should be checked regularly. But be careful: do not damage the sealing pad to avoid damage to the oil pump.
       3. During the use of the electric boiler, the safety valve should be moved once a day to prevent rust from losing its original function.
       4. After all the inspection work is completed, all the tools and materials need to be put together, placed in the designated location, and then the safety record is prepared for later inquiry work.

The above is all the maintenance methods of electric boilers. Follow the steps to carry out the maintenance work of electric boilers to ensure a safe and warm winter.

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