Compared with other boiler equipment, hot water boilers and steam boilers are the more common boiler equipment in our daily lives. Hot water boilers are often used for indoor heating in winter. For example, in the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022, the SZS type ultra-low nitrogen gas hot water boiler with a total capacity of 100 tons launched by our Fangkuai Boiler Factory was used for heating. The use of steam boilers is more extensive, such as food processing, chemical production, construction and building materials, etc., will be used. So, what are the differences between hot water boilers and steam boilers? How should users choose a boiler that suits their needs? Zhengzhou Fangkuai Boiler Factory is here to answer you.
1. The hot water boiler produces hot water with certain parameters;
2. The product of the steam boiler is steam with a certain parameter.
There are slight differences in equipment matching: for example, hot water boilers use circulating pumps, steam boilers are not used; steam boilers use water level meters, hot water boilers do not; steam boilers use sub-cylinders, hot water boilers use sub-cylinders, etc.; In terms of production, installation, and use, the safety requirements of steam boilers are more stringent.