For the water flowing into the industrial boiler, it must be softened, which can effectively reduce the formation of scale, which is good for the long-term operation of the boiler. The Zhengzhou Fangkuai Boiler Factory said that the correct use of softened water treatment prolongs the service life of industrial boilers by at least 5 years.
There are many ways to soften industrial boiler water, but the most common method is ion exchange. The characteristic of ion exchangers is that the resin must be regenerated frequently;
A. When the hardness of the effluent water exceeds the standard, it must be stopped and regenerated;
B. The method of cation resin regeneration is to soak the resin in salt water for about two hours, let the salt water dry, and then backflush with clean water, you can continue to use it;
C. The method of judging whether the exchange resin is invalid (when must be regenerated) is very simple:
Wash your hands with a piece of soap in the raw water (water before treatment). Use the same method to wash your hands in the finished water after treatment. Compare the feel of the two washes. If the water is soft, the hands are very slippery, and the soap always washes. No, the processor is normal at this time and does not need to be regenerated. On the contrary, if the two feels are the same, it means that the processor has failed and can be regenerated at this time.
D. Other types of processors can also use this method to adjust the amount of salt or other regeneration parameters.