Boiler knowledge overview at the end of September 2024

Boiler knowledge overview at the end of September 2024

Boiler industry market development status

As of the end of September 2024, China's boiler manufacturing industry continues to maintain a strong development momentum. According to the latest data from Shangpu Consulting Group, China's boiler market has expanded significantly in the first half of 2024. The full-year market size is expected to reach approximately 250 billion yuan, with the year-on-year growth rate remaining at a high level, reflecting strong demand in the boiler market. and technological innovation.

In terms of policy support, the National Development and Reform Commission, the State Administration for Market Regulation and other departments continue to issue relevant policies to promote the green, low-carbon and efficient development of the industrial boiler industry. For example, documents such as the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Update, Upgrade, Application and Implementation of Energy Saving Standards" clarified the improvement of energy efficiency standards for key energy-consuming products and equipment such as industrial boilers, and promoted the popularization and application of clean energy boilers.

Boiler working principle and classification

As an important thermal energy supply equipment, boilers are widely used in many industries such as electric power, machinery, metallurgy, chemical industry, textile, papermaking, and food. Its basic principle is to generate high-temperature flue gas through fuel combustion, and then transfer heat to water or other working fluids to heat, vaporize or generate superheated steam. The main working process of the boiler includes three links: combustion, heat transfer and steam-water circulation.

Boilers can be divided into many types according to fuel type, structural form, purpose, etc. Common boilers include steam boilers, hot water boilers and organic heat carrier boilers. Among them, steam boilers are mainly used for steam supply in industrial production, hot water boilers are mostly used for civil heating, and organic heat carrier boilers are widely used in situations that require high-temperature heat sources.

Boiler technology development trends

High efficiency and energy saving: With the advancement of environmental protection and energy saving policies, high efficiency and energy saving have become an important development direction of the boiler industry. Modern boilers generally adopt high-efficiency combustion technology and waste heat recovery technology, which significantly improves energy utilization efficiency and reduces energy consumption and emissions.
Intelligence: Digital and intelligent technologies are gradually being applied to the design, manufacturing, operation and maintenance of boilers. Smart boilers have adaptive capabilities and remote monitoring capabilities, enabling more precise control and management, improving operating efficiency and safety.
Cleanliness: The proportion of clean energy boilers continues to rise, and coal-fired boilers, especially small-capacity coal-fired industrial boilers, are gradually withdrawing from the market. Clean energy boilers such as natural gas boilers and electric boilers are more widely used, promoting the green transformation of the boiler industry.
Large-scale: Due to its relatively higher thermal efficiency, safety and balance and other characteristics, large-capacity industrial boilers are showing an upward trend in the product structure. Enterprises continue to increase investment in technological innovation and R&D to improve product performance and efficiency.

Boiler safety management

As a high-temperature and high-pressure equipment, the safety management of boilers is crucial. In the daily operation and operation of boilers, relevant safety regulations and operating procedures must be strictly observed to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment.

Regular inspection: The main accessories of the boiler such as safety valves, pressure gauges, water level gauges, etc. need to be calibrated at least once a year. The boiler itself needs to undergo regular internal and external inspections and water pressure inspections to ensure the normal operation and safety of the equipment.
Labor protection: When working in high temperature and high pressure environments, operators should wear anti-scalding clothing, anti-scalding gloves, helmets and other labor protection supplies to prevent burns and other injuries.
Emergency treatment: When a boiler failure or emergency occurs, the fuel supply should be cut off immediately, the emergency safety valve should be activated to release the pressure, and relevant departments and personnel should be notified to handle the failure in a timely manner to prevent the accident from expanding.
Personnel training: Boiler operators should have certain professional knowledge and operating skills, and receive relevant training and assessments regularly to ensure that they can operate the equipment proficiently and respond to various emergencies.
To sum up, the boiler industry at the end of September 2024 has made significant progress in terms of market size, technology development and safety management. With the continuous advancement of technology and the increase of market demand, the boiler industry will usher in a broader development space.

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