When enterprises purchase heating boilers, many indicators such as heating area, building height, and insulation measures are the criteria for determining the type of boiler to be purchased.
As far as the heating area is concerned, FANGKUAI Boiler's existing boiler equipment can reach a heating area of 10,000 square meters for a 1 ton hot water boiler. If it is for large centralized residential areas or heating companies, when the heating area is too large, we will recommend a gas water pipe hot water boiler for you.
Due to its unique structure, the water tube boiler is less affected by capacity and pressure, and can be customized according to user needs. Recently, we have provided a 80-tonne and a 40-ton water-pipe hot water boiler for Gu'an Huaxia Happiness Real Estate Company for heating in residential areas.
Of course, the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. We also have a variety of boiler products for small heating areas, such as commercial, condensation series.