National honor! Fangkuai Boiler won the honorary title of "National Advanced Unit for Factory A

National honor! Fangkuai Boiler won the honorary title of "National Advanced Unit for Factory A

Recently, the National Factory Affairs Disclosure Coordination Group issued the "Decision on Commending the National Advanced Units for Factory Affairs Disclosure and Democratic Management in 2021-2023", and Fangkuai Boiler won the honorary title of "National Advanced Unit for Factory Affairs Disclosure and Democratic Management in 2021-2023".

In recent years, Fangkuai Boiler has fully implemented the Party's guiding principle of relying wholeheartedly on the working class, vigorously promoted the procedural, institutionalized and standardized construction of factory affairs disclosure and democratic management, established a factory affairs disclosure leading group, established and improved the unified leadership of the party organization, and ensured the smooth development of factory affairs disclosure and democratic management.

In order to fully protect the right to know, the right to participate and the right to supervise of the workers, Fangkuai fully utilizes the official website, WeChat public account, and Douyin account platform to implement factory affairs disclosure through announcements, notifications, and public notices, and regularly conducts rationalization suggestion collection, collects the opinions and suggestions of employees, and effectively solves practical difficulties for employees and smooths the channels for employees to express their demands.

Fangkuai Boiler will continue to enrich the carriers and content of democratic management, enhance the effectiveness of factory affairs disclosure and democratic management, stimulate and mobilize employees' enthusiasm to make suggestions and contributions to the company's business development, and help the company achieve high-quality development.

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